Kuku glow di nu poek bubuk

Kuku glow di nu poek bubuk

Pondok Description:

We use high-quality products, reasonable prices for every beauty of women to create their own image temperament.Notes:1 Please get it full basked in the sunshine or the lamp and then it can be shine in the dark.2 Please use it with UV Gel and the proportion of powder will be more, you can also ajust the proportion of powder to get better effect.Feature:Can be used to mix acrylic powder for acrylic Use.12 colors.How to use:1. Prepare your nails with UV base coat and curing it under UV ...

  • FOB Harga: US $ 0,5 - 9.999 / Piece
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 100 Piece / Potongan
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 Piece / Potongan per Bulan
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Sarat pembayaran: T / T
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    Urang make produk kualitas luhur, harga nu lumrah pikeun tiap kaéndahan awéwé pikeun nyieun temperament gambar sorangan.

    1 Mangga meunang eta pinuh basked dina cahaya panonpoe atawa lampu nu lajeng bisa caang di nu poek.
    2 Mangga pigunakeun eta kalawan UV gél jeung proporsi bubuk bakal leuwih, Anjeun ogé bisa ajust proporsi bubuk jang nampa epek hadé.

    Bisa dipaké nyampur bubuk acrylic pikeun Paké acrylic.
    12 kelir.

    Kumaha ngagunakeun:
    1. Nyiapkeun kuku anjeun kalawan basa UV jas sareng curing eta handapeun lampu UV.
    2. Campur euweuh ngusap UV luhureun jas jeung bubuk luminous merata.
    3. Larapkeun eta onto kuku Anjeun.
    4. Ulang lengkah 2 untill anjeun wareg jeung éfék.
    5. buff na halus kuku ku panyangga kuku.
    6. Larapkeun UV TOP jas sareng cageur deui handapeun UV / lampu LED.

    Kuku glow Dina The Dark Bubuk

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