Short Description:

Art tattoo is to make art patterns with ink needles into the bottom layer of the skin and make some patterns on the skin.Maintenance:1. After finishing the tattoo, clean the entire area with a scented toner, apply the scented anti-inflammatory gel, and then wrap the bandage for at least two hours.2. Untie the bandage, wash the tattoo with the scented toner and blot the water.3. apply the color and anti-inflammatory gel, and remove the excess, the color of anti-inflammatory gel four tim...

  • Potongan: US $ 0,5 - 9,999 / Potongan
  • Min.Order Quantity: 100 Potongan /
  • Sumber Kabisan: 10000 Piece / Bagéyan saben Wulan
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Sarat Pembayaran: T / T
  • Detail produk

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    Art tato iku kanggo nggawe pola gambar karo jarum ink menyang lapisan ngisor kulit lan nggawe sawetara pola ing kulit.

    1. Sawise pagawean pungkasan tato, ngresiki kabeh wilayah karo toner scented, aplikasi scented gel anti-natoni, lan banjur Lebokake bandage kanggo paling sethithik rong jam.
    2. uculana bandage, wisuh tato karo toner scented lan cacat banyu.
    3. aplikasi werna lan gel anti-natoni, lan mbusak keluwihan, warna gel anti-natoni kaping papat dina.
    4. supaya sisih tato lembab lan breathable, ora perlu nganggo bandage.
    5. ing minggu, ora nglangi utawa dawa kecemplung ing banyu.
    6. Aja cahya gedhe banget ing siji sasi.
    7. ora bisa ngeruk utawa luh mati sisih scarred.
    8. Iku bisa ngeculke kanthi nunyuk utawa wiping alkohol.
    9. nyoba kanggo nyandhang sandhangan ngeculke.

    Art Tattoo

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